POTIONS & PIXELS - January 27th at Pint Central!
DATE: 1/27/2017
TIME: 7:00 pm - Midnight
LOCATION: Pint Central, 1226 Central Ave, Charlotte, NC 28204, USA
AGE INFORMATION: All Ages Welcome (12 and Under are Free)
COST: $5
Level up your game night experience with POTIONS & PIXELS!
POTIONS & PIXELS is Charlotte's premiere host of gaming events with a wide variety of Video Games / Board Games from all eras and for all skill levels.
We are hosting a Street Fighter V Tournament at the event. For more information click here: Street Fight V Tournament at POTIONS & PIXELS.

Street Fighter V Tournament at POTIONS & PIXELS
DATE: 1/27/2017
TIME: 7:00 pm - Midnight
LOCATION: Pint Central, 1226 Central Ave, Charlotte, NC 28204, USA
COST: $5 for POTIONS & PIXELS(Unlimited Video Games and Board Games for 5 hours)
$5 to enter tournament
Special Thanks to ReSe for helping make this event possible!
7:00 - 7:50 pm - Doors Open & Registration Begins
8:00 pm - Tournament Starts
In addition to the cash payout listed below, prizes have generously been provided by The Last Word and Pint Central.
1st place - 70% cash + $20 gift card for The Last Word + $50 gift card for Pint Central
2nd place - 20% cash + $10 gift card for The Last Word + prize from Pint Central
3rd place - 10% cash + $5 gift card for The Last Word + prize from Pint Central
** Everyone who does not place is automatically entered into a free raffle for the following games:
Skullgirls (PC, Steam key)
Lethal League (PC, Steam key)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (PS3)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix (PS3)
Final Fight Double Impact (PS3)
Street Fighter V Rules:
Slightly altered Evo rule set
-Game version: US PlayStation 4
-Game Settings: Versus Mode, 99 Seconds, 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games, No Handicap
-The top 4 competitors will play 3/5 Matches.
-Legacy Controller Mode is allowed.
-All matches will be random stage select.
-Character lock: winner has to keep same character but loser can switch.
-Double elimination bracket.